Saturday, October 15, 2011

One of Two Possibilities

Either the Big Fresno (County) Fair has opened or my Congressman is back in town!


pamibe said...

ROFL...! You sure that's not my Senator?

Coffeypot said...

Typical Californian?

Six said...

Ok, you win the intarwebs for the week Gene! I guess I left california juuust in time

Kid said...

That's a politician all right.

Or, you know, maybe he works for the CDC, or the EPA, or the Dept of Ed or...

USA_Admiral said...

At least the shirt matches. You have to account for taste.

JihadGene said...

Pamibe- It's highly possible.
Coffeypot- or a Clinton from Arkansas.
Six- Thanks LOOONG time/glad you liked it!!!
Kid- You nose it, Sir!
USA _Admiral- Taste matters (for beer, coffee, and people)!