Friday, July 27, 2012

It's Friday! Let's Dance!

Sometimes...I think God threw the book at me. The book of RUV! My niece and nephew are visiting us from the R.O.K. and it's a blast having them here. Yesterday it was Kings Canyon & Hume Lake, some Foster's Freeze, and great fun! Today? Work at Fashion Thug and swimming at home. It's all good! Remember our brave troops and their awesome families in your prayers! Have a great weekend LOOONG time...because it's Friday...let's dance!!!!


pamibe said...

Happy Friday, Gene! Let's dance!!

Coffeypot said...

Enjoy the family and show them how to dance looong time.

Kid said...

BOOM Shackalacka! BOOM Shackalacka ! BOOM !

Jamesonjvku said...

BOOM Shackalacka! BOOM Shackalacka ! BOOM !