Friday, May 4, 2012

It's FLY Day Let's Dance

BREAKING NORF KOREAN NEWS! Gene's wife, the lovely South Korean Minister of Finance, Travel, Love, & The Occasional Head of The War Department, has issued a 3 day pass for Great Reader's JihadGene! Gene will be leaving the People's Republic of California, in just a few short months, and winging his way for a city in the United States country of Texas!  There, JihadGene will be lame-brain storming with other numerous peoples of the milblogosphere world, those who love the US Armed Forces, and the awesome LOOONG time people of Soldiers Angels!!! Where is this city in Texas, you ask? Well, since it's a Friday and all, let's dance, you red-necked mudders, and we'll let Charlie Pride sing to you what city this bash is gonna be in. Have a great weekend everyone! Keep our US Armed Forces and their families in your prayers VERY LOOONG TIME!!! It's Friday! Let's dance!
(If you wish to attend the info is HERE. Everyone who loves our troops is invited, whether you blog or not does not matter. To register click HERE.)


Kid said...

Hey Gene, Yea, have a super time !

JihadGene said...

Thanks LOOONG time, KId!!! It's a ways off but I'm really a happy Soldiers Angel camper over this. I've been in west (Amarillo) and north Texas (Wichita Falls) many times but never in San Antonio. Looking forward to it, seeing some familiar faces, and being able to shake hands and thank many for the wonderful works they do.