Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bill Clinton on Mad Cow Disease Outbreak

BREAKING NORTH KOREAN NEWS! A case of MCD (mad cow disease) has been identified in the communist-controlled Central Valley town of Hanford, Koweefornia. This is JihadGene's infamous A.O. (area of operations) and base camp! Our Norko News Gals interviewed former US President, Bill Clinton, about this mad developement. When asked about it, Clinton said, "Look, I know Gene, and I have talked to him about this. Gene assured me that he never laid a hand on any Kings County dairy bovine." When asked about a possible outbreak of MSD (mad sheep disease) in the area, Clinton said"If it happens, I don't think you could pin that on Gene. I mean, I may be from Arkansas, but I don't think the good people of California are gonna believe those lying sheep."
That is all.


LL said...

I blame Gene. I don't care what Bill Clinton says...

healthy cat food said...

Don't mind it he says, and such a cool guy. Mad cow disease is no big deal.