Thursday, March 22, 2012

It's I Fought the Law Friday! Let's Dance!

Friday again?! Time to dance?! What would be a song worthy of us dancing to, besides it just being a Friday and all? Hmmm...I see that the French have taken out an Islamic terrorist this week. That's cool, but he should have been in prison or splattered across Afghanistan before it came to his heinous acts of terror. Hmmm.... Also, in the past 2 weeks, I have seen no less than 7 of our Fashion Thug customers on the front page of our local newspaper...and not in a good way, either. Yes! I feel a song coming on! A song with law enforcement triumphant over evil! A music video with young men dressed neatly in suits... with narrow ties... playing electric guitars...and go-go girls! YES! Go-go girls dancing with six shooters!! Oh yeah! That's for me! So, vive la France, vive la Fashion Thug, and our most awesome US Armed Forces and their families LOOONG time!!! Have a great weekend everybody!


Kid said...

Perfect :)

JihadGene said...

Thanks LOOONG time, Kid!!!

pamibe said...

Seven? That's all? ;)

Happy Saturday, Great Reader!!