Hello, and welcome to the State of Florida's S.P.C.A. spay or neuter hotline.
How may I help you?
Can you neuter a very large cat?

That will require a bigger fee but yes, we can do that.

Money is not a problem.

Very good. Your name, the city you live in, and the
cat's name, please?

Elin Woods, of Orlando. His name is Tiger.

Never saw that coming--!!
(neither did the coffee, and neither did the laptop screen.... *sigh*)
Good one!
ROFL! Best of the Tiger bashing so far...!
Great picture of "Geraldine" aka Lilly Tomlin.A funny lady when comedy was king.
I said over on another blog- He's just tired of playing the same course, with the same holes... :)
He was just confused by that basic rule of golf, Play your ball where it lies.
hahah, my verification word is CYAWEEP
I'd say El Tigre is going to have a lot rougher time with this than he thinks.
Susan- Sorry about that (not). Glad you liked it!
Deltabravo- I made myself laugh doing this!
Pam- Thanks looong time!!!
Necromancer- Lilly was cool on Laugh In!
Buffalodick- LOL!
Kid- I think you're right about Tiger having rougher times ahead with this. Hope he gets his head outta some other girls ass and appreciates what he has at home before it's too late, if it isn't already.
Gene, really, that's as bad as Charlie "screwed in the head" Sheen cheating on Denise "OOFTA!" Richards...
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