Friday, March 22, 2013

It's Friday! Let's Dance!

Friday? Already?? Great, LOOONG time!!! You know, last week was a really rough week for me...a spiritual attack of sorts...and depression. Through it, I prayed. Fought. Felt. Thought. Then prayed some more. Got through it. Now, on the other side of that, is another lesson learned. Seems I only learn lessons the hard way...but as long as I learn 'em...then good comes from it. Be thankful for all you DO have. For all you did have. Look for the good. It's right there! Not far away at all. Now, let's talk about "far away"...our troops. Please keep our wonderful US Armed Forces and their families, who may be far apart, and deployed far your prayers. Be thankful our great country has such wonderful folks who serve.   Count your blessings and be there to help someone who needs lifting up. Love never fails! Good begets good! Remember to wear a red shirt as it's Red Shirt Friday, to show support of our deployed troops. Now put on your Tony Lama tennis shoes and dance! God bless you all and have a wonderful weekend. JG :)


Coffeypot said...

Now that is good dancing music to rub cheeks with the honey. Glad you came out of the tunnel in better shape. It IS NOT an easy thing to do, but prayer and loved ones makes the trip a bit easier and more rewarding when you come out the other side. Hand salute to you and your success. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go ask Judy for this dance.

Kid said...

Gene, it can Always be worse and for way too many it is and has been.
Glad you pulled up in time.

Joanie said...

Dancing! Even if it IS Sunday.

JihadGene said...

Coffeypot & Kid- True and thank you both LOOONG time!!!
Joanie- Great LOOONG time!!!

JihadGene said...

Been getting spamed LOOONG time in the comments section. Oh well.

Kid said...

Gene - FWIW, I turned off allowing Anona Mouses to comment and haven't got spam in months.

Though I will do the captcha for you if that's your choice. A little Marching Music Please Maestro !