Friday, April 6, 2012

It's Friday! Let's Dance and Let it Happen!

By golly it's Friday! A wild weather week. I lit a fire in our wood burning stove this morning because it was down to 38F here, in Central California. Heck, on Easter Sunday it's going to be 80 degrees...I can handle that! So anyway, here's a song my lovely wife, the ruvly Kim, and I danced to this cool but wonderful Friday springtime morning. When I was first dating my wife back in April 1975, I kept playing this song over and over, in my G.I. brain..."Let it Happen"...I wished....let it happen...I prayed. Well, what do you know? Prayers do get answered! LOOONG time!!! careful what you pray for. I got lucky! Yes I did, LOOONG time!!! So this Easter give thanks, give love, send prayers, and remember our US Armed Forces and their families very LOOONG time!!! Day in and day out. God bless you all. It's Friday, so grab someone ya love and let's dance! Have a wonderful weekend. JG;)


Tammi said...

What a GREAT song!!!

Kid said...

The guy in the video still looks how I pictured Black Thunder from your story.

Anyway, yea, time to let the good times roll.

Laura Rivera said...

What a GREAT song!!!