Like AC/DC? Well I do. Got this song in my haid (head). TNT. Had to blog it. My way.
*scroll down to the bottom of this post to play song
TNT by AC/DC (*a JihadGene re-write)
oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi
See me fly out of the airport
On your security monitor screen
Out for all the virgins I can get
If you know what I mean
Africans to the left of me
Europeans to the right
Ain't got no gun
got no knife
Don't you know...airport security ain't right.
Cuz I'm in
B. V. D's
My Dad Reported: "His head ain't right!"
With my Jockey's
Allah will win the fight!
What a load
My Under Roos
Watch 'em Explode!!!
I'm terror-trained , shaved, and easily seen
I'm a wanted man
Public Enemy Number One
I got a bomb in my pants...Understand ?
So let T.S.A. scan-up your daughter
And NAPOLITANO pat-down your wife
Leave open the front door
And run for your life
Obama's back in town
What a joke all-around
Cuz I'm
no Somali
I'm Nigerian
Lit my junk
To end this Detroit flight
Lit my balls
Wishing I would explode
Oh they burn
Allah loves me, I'm told!!!
(Guitar Solo)
(Chorus sung by Pigs)
T.N.T. oink oink oink
T.N.T. oink oink oink
T.N.T. oink oink oink
T.N.T. oink oink oink
I'm Lawyered-Up (oink oink oink)
And I'll win the fight (oink oink oink)
HOLDER's got a pants-load!!! (oink oink oink)
Attorney General
Watch him implode!!!
(Guitar Solo)
Pretty Phat, my man!
Superb. Glad your blogbreak didn't last too long!
TERESA- thanks looong time!!!
JOATED- chew know it, broseph!!!
INNOMINATUS- i'm takin' anudder break!!!
SNARKY BASTARD- tank you berry much!!!
I pulled it from the comments section of the Fruit of Kaboom post and made a guest post for you, linking back here. Hopefully you get some buzz from it.
Thanks Snarky!!!
That's some great Jibba Jabba right there !
KID- yabba dabba!!!
You are so freaking creative!!!!! LOL!
Ruvving you loooong time!!!!
Freakin' awesome.
(who likes the idea of bomb-sniffing pigs in airports.)
PAMIBE- feelin the ruv!
DELTABRAVO- bomb sniffing pigs? i rikes it looong time!!!
The break was good, as this is great! Take all the breaks you need if this is what you do when you return!!
LAUGHING WOLF- Thanks for the comment looong time my Las Vegas friend!!!
Oh, man...thanks for the laugh!
Gene, how is your wife's family doing? We haven't heard any health updates. We do care.
Holy Kimchee, this was pure comedy GOLD!!
I agree with LW, take all the time off you need if this is the result.
I laughed (maniacally). Thank you.
I miss your blogging, but there is more to life!
Would you please vote for my photo!! Thanks!! http://www.brickfish.com/Pages/PhotosAlbums/PhotoView.aspx?picid=1087129_12133675&pid=3094832&scid=516
Great Balls of Fire!
Thought I'd check as to what you were up to...
Don't stop posting such articles. I like to read articles like this. BTW add more pics :)
Pasadena CC- Glad you liked it!
Deltabravo- U Tae's wife is doing okay. She underwent radiation treatment and has her good days and not so good ones but she is still pretty feisty...so thanks for asking and keep up the prayers for them.
Squid Thoughts- Thanks squiddy! Not sure when I'll get back into the blog groove at this point. I'm gettin too much done around the home and work front so creativecomputerwritingtime...I cut back on.
Joanie- Thanks!
Kanani- Ain't that the truth. I got so much done while away from the computer...and I liked it!
Cappy- Fire those balls up!!!
Bdick- Life!
dtsign- Is it Year of the Sea Urchin or Aardvark?
StheM- Glad you liked it!
Funny. But he looks more like a Bushman (Aussie Aborigine or the like), but definitely NOT a Muslim. Still, it's a pretty funny shot.
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