Saturday, August 9, 2008

Feeling Like a Worn Out SpongeBob?

First off, I must thank Hammer for the picture. It pretty well sums up how I feel crap. Let's see, got lots a yard work to do, then go to work in our Mom & Pop ghetto store. It's ghetto. Most of my customers are really Okay. Some aren't. Some are straight up pieces of shit. Shop lifting is a little bit of a problem but girls/women with kids who are running outta-control all through the store, brings out the Mr Krabs in me. I tell them to please leave, go outside to do that, no you can't eat in here, this is not the playground, etc. etc....and they usually depart after saying "fuck you asshole" and stuff like that, then their rotten little kids (AKA: Mutated Vaginal Discharges) usually repeat the same, as taught by their wonderful role-model Mommies. No Dad's are ever anywhere in sight. They are out doing the dirty like a John Edwards, or are locked up. I hate paying taxes for these pieces of shit who do nothing but raise kids who will be on welfare or in jail. I'm a tired SpongeBob today. Tired of this bullshit called theHumans-on-Welfare race. Thank God those of you who read my blog are not humans.
Ruv You Looong Time! JG


Erica said...

Reminds me of one of my favorite songs. Hope you get out of your funk soon so you can get down and get funky. Sometimes kids are pains in the asses and, as such, need an old-fashioned zets in di tucches so they could have pains in their asses, too.

none said...

sucks don't it?

Of course complaining or questioning their lifestyles and behavior is considered racist.

That 1 Guy said...

"Mutated Vaginal Discharges"

Thanks for making my day, JG. Wish I could do the same...

pamibe said...

Hope you feel better, Mr. Krabs. ;)

Anonymous said...

Seriously, lets stop using tax money, hell lets just stop paying for - child abuse.

Anonymous said...

So good......

Evil Transport Lady said...

The one reason I'm leaving the vo-tech I work at.....all those kids in your store are now teenagers in my school. AND they are having mutants of their own....ick!

Angie said...

Just smile!!!!!!

Maeve said...

Better to be Mr. Krabs then catching the crabs......
And I feel your pain on wanting to deliever a smack down to parents that can't raise kids.
Just wait until little vaginal discharge grows up and starts talking to their parents like that.