Friday, September 27, 2013

It's Friday! Let's Dance!

It's Friday, people! Another week has shot right by. Faster than a Norf Korean wocket! Todays "Let's Dance" is about looking back. You ever do that? Look back...evaluate...evaluate where you're you got you did ...and why? You ever do that? Yeah, me too. It's called counting your blessings. Look back and count them, they're there. Lessons learned. Lessons earned. Through it all...God is good...and always was...always is. Always! It's Friday. Let's dance. And while we're at it...give thanks! God bless our US Armed Forces. Keep them and their families in you prayers! Always. It's Friday and I wish you all a wonderful weekend, very LOOONG time!!! -JG

Thursday, September 26, 2013

DPRK on Obamacare

                      BREAKING NORF KOREAN NEWS! 
US State Department head, Dennis Rodman today said that North Korea would be covered by Obamacare...resulting in this...   
The DPRK's Great Reader KIM Jong Un has immediately filed for an exemption and threatened nuclear war. That is all. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Second Choice Visits DPRK

Meanwhile...somewhere north of the 38th Parallel we find Norf Korea's Great New Reader, KIM Jong Un in a bit of a funk...

KIM: General Wang! Front and sinner! More booze now! 

WANG: What Sir? Is Dennis Rodman here already?! 

KIM: No, I'm just deplessed. Want dwink.

WANG: Okay, Sir...but I thought, what with Dennis Rodman's visit and all...that you'd be happy, Sir.

KIM: I'm knows...but Dennis Wadman was numba 2 choice...and numba 1 choice couldn't make it.

WANG: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that, Sir. Would you mind telling me who your first choice was?

KIM: Miley Cyrus.