Friday, July 31, 2009
It's Friday! Let's Dance!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dear Friends,
If I don't get out much, like to your blogs, sorry. We are gearing-up, here at Fashion Thug, for the back from PRISON/back to SCHOOL sale!!! Let's face it, this is a clothing store's biggest and busiest time. We at Fashion Thug, have been back in Los Angeles buying more thug and hootchie-mama wear, for our valued customers. Thanks to my state's Governor, Arnold, the California Department of Corruption (Corrections) is going to release about one or two bafuckinzillion of our valued customers early. READ HERE. Sooo... we at Fashion Thug are very busy these days. I may blog something in a month , a day, year from now, if Allah is willing. I don't know. Whatever. I am one busy mutha fazucker (code for... Bid-nessman), right now. If you never hear from me again it will because of one of these "Non-Violent Prisoners" who got out of jail early...has just waxed my ass. But whatever. Our governor knows best. If I could only conceal a 12 gauge without sweating my ass off in a trenchcoat. I got a 9mm pistol that sucks ass. Anything in a concealable .45 caliber for a guy with big hands? Your suggestions are welcome. Let me know. This shit in California sucks.
Future Robbery Victims and Small Business Owners,
JihadGene & Family
Friday, July 24, 2009
It's Friday! Let's Dance!!!
KIM- Hmmmmmm..... Hey, Professor-General Wang!
WANG- What up, Professor-Doctor KIM?!
KIM- That's Supreme-Doctor-Professor KIM to you, Teacher's-Aide-General Wang!
WANG- Uh, yes Sir.
KIM- I'm tells you what up, General Wang. Rook at Yah-Whose news headslines on cumpooter.
WANG- (squinting) Let's see...Michael Jackson haunts a Chuckie Cheese pizzeria in Rancho Cucamonga?
KIM- NO! Look further!
WANG- (squinting) Okay.... Hmmm...Nancy Pelosi says "I'm not afraid of August--it's a month."
KIM- NO! Must I'm exprain everything?! This is a telling story of the American's Office of Moe Higher Learning for Gray-matter!
WANG- (wtf?) Please explain, Supreme-Doctor-Professor, Sir.
KIM- Looks HERE! It says old man ruffed up by the POE-lice for no apparenting reason! It says old man busted for breaking into own house.
WANG- Maybe he wouldn't have to force his own door open if he'd just kick down with some cash and have that door fixed, which was damaged by a prior burglary, Sir. I wonder too... if the tight old bastard has even considered having a good alarm system installed? Surely a Professor at Harvard could afford that. How much money does a Professor at Harvard make?
KIM- Let me give you some insight into the Americlan waves of life... The true Michael Vicktim of this crime...a crime against heinously perpetuated by George W. Bush and Dick Cheny's highly trained water-boarding, heavy-handed, and jack-o-lanterned-booted police force ... is none udder than Mr Aflac-can American, Professor of Negrology at Harbird University...Doctor-Professor "King Henry the VIII" "Louie-Louie" Gates Jr.! Now that's a vick dumb!
WANG- Very good, Sir. Are you done?
KIM- No. Not quiet! Let me further states...I don’t know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that. But I think it’s fair to say, No. 1, any of us would be pretty angry; No. 2, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home; and No. 3, what I think we know separate and apart from this incident is there is a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by police disproportionately. That’s just a fact!
WANG- (Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me)...Hmmm.
KIM- What's that, General Wang?
WANG- Nothing. Very good, Sir. Anything else?
KIM- O.J. is innocent!!!
WANG- It's Friday, Sir. May I pick today's dance song?
KIM- Go for it, Muh-Fugger!
WANG- Here ya go folks...It's Friday! Let's Dance and please note that no Community Organizers were incarcerated in the filming of this music video!
KIM- Nice touch.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
KIM Jong IL Watches Fight Night
TV- No. No. NOOO!!! You stoopid mudder pucker!!! Who you callin' a mudder-pucker you slut?!! Who you callin' a TWAMP?! Yo Mama puts no garlic in her kimchi!!! Take that back, you blitch!!! Blitch this...
KIM- Bwahahaha!!! General Wang, come over here quick! Check this out!
WANG- What great Reader?! You watching TiVo of UFC 100?
KIM- No...even moe better den that!
WANG- Previews of WWE Night of Champions?
KIM- Yoo getting warmer.
WANG- It's the South Korean Parliament at it again!
KIM- Blingo, I'm Stein!
WANG- What are they so pissed about, Your Greatness?
KIM- Well, it's either politics as usual or Obama Care has just been introduced to the South Korean peoples.
(hat tip to Mongo for this post!)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Love American VS Korean Style #18

So there I was. It was a sunny and chilly afternoon in the southern part of South Korea April 1st, 1975...or as the US Army taught me to properly write the date "1 Apr 75". A date written down in the annals of time, such as when O.J. put on the gloves that didn't fit! A date when Al Gore invented the Internet...or how about when Nancy Pelosi announced, "America must be a light to the world, not just a missile." ? ...or when Bill Clinton wagged his finger at Hillary and said "She was just delivering some pizza and cigars...I swear ta gawd, Hill." I am talking a day that would go down as an eternal score for the good guys (ME)...
Friday, July 17, 2009
It's Friday! Let's Dance!!!
*If ya got a good dance tune or song in your haid (head) be sure to leave/link it in comments so we can drop by your place. Coming soon: Part#18 of "Love American VS Korean Style". Have a great weekend! JG
Thursday, July 16, 2009
India Gets Nuke Subs...Joe Biden Surfaces

I found out that India is getting some nuke boats (nuclear powered submarines) thanks to Black Five's writer extraordinaire, Subsunk. Hmmm...I wonder what the White House has to say about this?
Meanwhile deep inside the Vice Presidential Command Bunker, located at the Lompoc Federal Penitentiary, the following communique has been sent and intercepted by Team JihadGene...
Hi friends...Joe Biden here! Since President Obama's teleprompter seems to be broken I will step in (in it) and say that the Indians should stick with the things they know peace pipes, pottery, blankets, beads, cheap cigarettes, and casinos. A deer-skinned canoe, though powered and armed with nukes, when submerged, can only do so much. I must blow balast and leave you now! Gotta catch a red-eye flight to Calcutta, Ohio and kick it with some cow-loving Hindu's! Oh! Calcutta! Calcutta...where I must lodge a formal complaint against tainted 7-11 Slurpees and city full of fu@king telemarketers!
Big Joe Biden (D) VP
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Evan is Army Strong
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Taking a Break

I had a really crappy day at work yesterday. Everything was poop city. If I had my way I would have performed retroactive abortions on some of my "valued customers" right then and there.
Oh well. That's business. The wanting to quit blogging bug has hit me (off and on) many times in my 16 months of doing this. It's easy to say "I quit" after a few (too many) beers but the next day here I am saying "I don't quit". I like blogging. I like writing. I can't stop. I blog for me. Sorry I jerked your chain. No more Drama Llama but it may be awhile before I post again. I'm taking a break.
Monday, July 6, 2009
On the DMZ near Fresno, Koweefornia
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Comfort Comes in Many Forms

Fireworks I Would Buy

Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 4th of July
Friday, July 3, 2009
It's Friday! Let's Fight!!!
* If you have a cool dance tune, then leave a link in comments, and it's on!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Reporting From South Korea
When you are in South Korea be very cautious of swords!
Swords from the Korean National Museum.
Nothing like a family B-B-Que at Uncle U-Tae's in the country! He built this place in 2006.
Please pray for U-Tae's wife as she continues battling cancer and tires easily, but still loves to laugh. A beautiful family I've married into!
Ben and his cousin Jina. My wife Kim in 1975, was prettier than even our niece Jina. I married above my pay-grade. Very happily so!!!
They're Home!
My lovely KIM and wonderful son Ben, have returned from South Korea. The video's song
pretty-much sums up my feelings about having them back.