Monday, August 25, 2008

Love American VS Korean Style(1)

I first saw my wife in the AAFES (Army & Air Force Exchange Service) snack bar, more than 30 years ago. She was with an army buddy so-so friend of mine (I'll call him Love Boat's Capt. Stubing) and his Korean wife (Mrs Stubing). It seems the future Mrs JihadGene (I'll call her KIM) was best-friends with his wife (the Korean version of Mrs Stubing). Well, like my Uncle Bob would do, I just walked right over there, said hi, and I sat right smack down at their table. Why was I so bold? The answer is easy. My future wife (Kim) was beautiful! Within about 1 minute I had offered her everything and anything in the snackbar, including salt & pepper shakers, silverware, tables and chairs. She thought I was either a cute nut or just nuts. I was in love. It was love at first sight and I was like an Ernest T. Bass from the Andy Griffith Show. I sooo felt like, "I gotta get a date with that beautiful girl"! We said goodbye and I drooled my way back to the barracks. I needed a plan and so I formed one. (To Be Continued)


Anonymous said...

I love stories like this......I can't WAIT to

And whoda thunk! The Great Reader a romantic! ;-)

Anonymous said...

*clapping my hands wildly*

Yay! Story time! And a romance too! Pictures!!!!

What a charming and amusingly generous display of ardor! Way better than "Come here often?"

(waiting for episode 2)


JihadGene said...

I'm a Libra. What can I say. I'm blessed. I won the Lotto in marriage and for some damn reason she has held on to me.

I will have to get a scanner for some of the old photos...

JG :)

Evil Transport Lady said...

Wow you are that old?? Shit I thought you were younger;) I want to hear more, how did she handle all of your attention?? What's her thoughts now about that day?? Untie the poor woman and hand her the keyboard!!

JihadGene said...

Dear E.L.L.,

What a way to start off my Tuesday morning...
Are you that old??

My wife's thoughts on that day?
Let her get her own brogg. JG

Maeve said...

I cannot wait to read the rest! Post lots of photos too! I love me some old photos!
Are you a Sept. Libra or an Oct. one?

JihadGene said...


Teresa said...

Ah, love at first sight. It's a wonderful thing.

I had to stop and think about it, but yes, it was bit over 31 years ago that my husband walked into the room. We've been married for 29 years. :-)

Anonymous said...

"I ain't no Creachhter !"

- Earnest T Bass.

I love that guy. And this is a great story to be continued.

Evil Transport Lady said...

Yes I am odd:)

ParachuteCutie said...

Happy Anniversary dear friend! I hope you and Mrs Great Reader have at least 100 more years of endless love, romance, happiness and good health.