Now, as all of you know, I have been brainstorming with the President about the war in Adirondackistan. It is a costly war to say the least. I mean, have you seen those NY state taxes?! And the chairs those weirdos make up there... in their mountain caves... are about as uncomfortable as a Negro at a police lineup in Nacogdoches! It has therefore been decided that the American people will not support this war when facing a surtax. With that in mind, plus the fact that the Prez has been away in Kimchi-land showing off his barackwondo, I have recommended a war more palatable to the American people. My fellow Americans, I give you a new and more economical war! A war against an enemy that has sucked up all of Obama's air time on most major TV and cable news channels! A war against an enemy of both the Catholic Church and abortion rights activists! A foe that makes fun of Nuns! This enemy has even been seen in the company of BANDITS! I hereby announce that I, Big Joe Biden, propose to YOU... the people of the United States, that we immediately attack...and carpet-bomb with great prejudice...the hiding place of Miss Sally Field, in the country of Boniva! Our latest intel has her position fixed at the Roche Laboratories near a Fox News transmitting station. Thanks for your continued support and I'll notify the Air Force shortly. I love it when Obama's gone!!!
Go Joe Go!!! Bomb that Boniva place to the ground... ROFLMAO.
I wish Joe was president.
Yea, I can't believe I said it either.
The Air Force won't be able to hit Fox News transmitting station with Joe Biden calling the shots. He will probably hit Rush Limbaugh's EIB bunker instead.
If Joe were president, Great Reader, the glut of material we'd have to work with would be astounding.
Gene, Want a Thanksgiving day gift like, Google Wave? I have an invite for you if you do.
Teresa- Glad you liked it!
Kid- Believe it!
USA_Admiral- Not the EIB Bunker!
Snarky B- Truly astounding! Fun too!
USA_Admiral- Do it to it!!!
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