A very happy Thanksgiving message to our troops stationed in Iraq!
And now a US Army Sergeant's song about his current duty station in Iraq. He may not be a sergeant or a You Tube rapper for much longer (once the Army finds out) so hurry up and put your hands together for Sgt Conklin doing "This Place Blows (IRAQ)". A happy Thanksgiving looong time to all our US Armed Forces...wherever you are!!!
Ain't loading so good, can't get it..
I hope that sheep fucker paid for translation services.
Hmmmm... interesting vid. I hope he's not very enamored of making the Army a career. Heh.
In any case a very Happy Thanksgiving to all of our troops no matter where they serve.
And Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family JG!!!
I am so thankful for our men and women in uniform and their families. I hope that where ever our deployed personnel around the world they find at least a few minutes of down time. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
And to you, too JG and the fam. You WOK!
Watched and grokked the vid. I think Sgt Conklin will be ok with the Army, it's no disrespect to anyone and his views are some I would share if I had to be in the box.
Entertaining and well made.
Happy T-Day, everyone from the Boat Without Sails.
Love the signage! Happy Thanksgiving, Gene and family! :-)
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