Friday, May 1, 2009

It's Friday! Let's Dance!

Great Reader-JihadGene got's to "sock some love power" to the following people and I'm holdin' em up with some extra prayer (help me now):

Military- US ARMY SFC Kevin Dupont (recovering from severe burns received in Afghanistan), USMC Lt Col Ty Edwards (head wound AK round Afghanistan); Cindy Brown ( tumor, wife of my favorite Army officer of all-time, Col. James Brown); and all of our US Forces deployed and don't EVER even forget their families!

Civilian- Jerry (blogger, Mom & Dad are elderly, and all that comes with it), My brother in law, U-Tae's wife (undergoing chemotherapy for cancer in her neck); Cheryl, who is a good friend of my Big Sister Carol (breast cancer). Kim & Marie (death of 19 year old daughter).

Notes-I pray for all of you. Witches too...Maeve (I'm comin' at ya with the cross! Yikes.). Now I might of missed put it in comments and we'll throw it up there to the All Mighty!

So let's pray and dance and sock some love power (Lee Rogers) to these folks.'s Friday! Let's dance and remember...Great Reader ruv's you looong time!!! YES I DO!


buffalodick said...

Swine flu... Think of all the fat, homely girls that won't have dates until this blows over...

JihadGene said...

Bdic- I dance on swine flu! I am not afraid and I ain't goin' to Mexico.

Omnibabe said...

I'm groovin' with you, O Great One!

Maeve said...

Have you been talking to my husband??
Make sure the cross is dipped in holy water first or it won't do jack shit.

JihadGene said...

O Driver- With you too, Leslie!!!

Maeve- Never underestimate the Great Reader!!!