Thursday, October 28, 2010

Project Valour-IT and Team Army

It's a great day in the neighborhood LOOONG time!!! Why? Because it's time to break out that wallet or purse of yours and help out some very special folks. VERY SPECIAL! They are wounded war veterans who can't use their hands to do stuff like I'm doing now...or e-mailing friends... or getting lost in the wide-wide world of Face Book. Imagine sitting in a bed, wounded, and away from home having to have someone (when available) write your emails for you or help you see what's on the computer. Not good. But thanks to (then a Captain) the wounded/blow'd up by an IED, Chuck Ziegenfuss, Project Valour-IT was born. Who says good stuff doesn't come outta bad?! From this mess (Chuck's 2005 wounding while stationed in Iraq) came these voice controlled laptops. Operated by speaking into a microphone or by using other adaptive technologies, these laptops make it possible for a wounded Soldier, Sailor, Airman, or even a "heathen" Marine...keep in touch with friends, family, and best-buds back in their old units. For Chuck it was a blessing (my words). For Chuck (his words) "It wasn't just the blogging. It was the community. I had readers [who] cared about me." With the help of those wonderful folks at Soldiers' Angels, Chuck formed Project Valour-IT. Project Valour-IT has helped over 5,000 wounded troops as of September 2010. Unfortunately more will need our help. "OUR" help. Please give to Project Valour-IT as a fund raising drive is on between the services. It's competition between the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines starting today through Veterans Day November 11th. To donate to Project Valour-IT and Team ARMY click right HERE! You can donate to another service if you's all these laptops go to any branch of our armed forces as needed. Please help even if it's only a couple of bucks. Good begets good LOOONG time!!! RUV, JG ;)


Kid said...

That really is great stuff. All my donations go to this organization.

Nothing sucks more than when your health and well-being is gone.

pamibe said...

Go Navy!! We beat you looong time! :D