Meanwhile somewhere north of the South Korean Hyundai factories, we find Norf Korea's Great Reader, KIM Jong IL contemplating the latest news from The American Thinker ...
KIM: General Wang! Get your koon-dingie (Korean speak 4 butt) overs here ASLAP!!!
WANG- Right here, Great Reader! What's going on, Sir?
KIM: I'm gonna be witch-which-WITCH!!!
WANG: You're going to be rich, Sir?
KIM: Abs-so-rootly, General Wang!
WANG: How so, Most Excited One?
KIM: See's article in The American Stinker? See howze it says General Motors is going to build new pants in Mexiglow?
WANG: Yes, Sir...I see the article about GM building new "plants" in Mexico. But how's that going to make you rich, Most Entrepreneurial One?
KIM: E fluckin' Z! I'm goings to open up...
WANG: A raft rental and dive shop? You mean, Sir... like a place that rents river rafts and sells wetsuits and dive gear, Sir?
KIM: Of course!!!
WANG: But how could that possibly make you rich, Sir?
KIM: Vocation-Vocation-Vocation!!!
WANG: Location-location-location? I don't understand. Where would you set up shop, Sir?
KIM: Anywhere's in the good old USA on the "NORF" side of the Rio Grande, mi Amigo!
WANG: (see's the light) Oh,I get it! What with all the Americans out of work, they'll be flocking south to Mexico for employment.
KIM: BLINGO!!! (Norf Korean speak for BINGO)
*Special looong time thanks to FB friend Katy Ward for the inspiration of this piece
That NoKo MoFo is always coming up with good ideas!
Innominatus- At least he does.
Obama sure as hell doesn't!
What does the UAW say about this ?
Trading jobs for voters?
Well, not because of this, but I won't be buying a GM product probably in my lifetime because I won't buy from a government owned car company.
Another way I get to vote each and every day. Which is fun.
Kid- Government Motors.
Oh, good. Our government is investing in a foreign country during a depression. Nice to know..!
Luckily we have Great Reader to make us smile!! :D
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