Thursday, October 1, 2009

NYC, KIM Jong IL & Obama

Meanwhile somewhere north of the 38th Parallel in "The Land of the Morning Missile Launch" we find Norf Korea's Great Reader, KIM Jong IL with his eyes fixated on New York City...

KIM- Holy, Ho Chi Minh! General Wang! Come quick !

WANG- Right here, your Greatness. What's up, Sir?

KIM- (pointing) Look at picture on cumpooter screen! Emplire Steak Building on fire! Just like 1974 movie, The Inferno Towering!

WANG- No, Great One...that is no Towering Inferno. Those are lights. It looks like the city of New York is paying tribute to the Red Chinese!

KIM- They pay?! How much?

WANG- No, Great Reader...I mean they pay respect to the Red Chinese by lighting the Empire State Building with red and yellow lights commemorating the 60th anniversary of...of...

KIM- Of what?

WANG- Of...of...

KIM- Of what? Come on now...out wiff it, General Wang... spit it out!

WANG- The founding of the People's Republic of China.

KIM- BLINGO!!! And for bogus points, who helped Great Reader's Daddy, KIM IL Sung, by killing many Souf Koreans, Americans, and UN forces in the Korean War less than 60 years ago?

WANG- The People's Republic of China.

KIM- See? I told you I'm gonna light the Olympic torch in Chicago, come 2016.

WANG- Apparently so.

KIM- HOPE and CHANGE, baby!!!

WANG- Well...CHANGE it certainly is.


USA_Admiral said...


I wish I could get out of this nightmare.

innominatus said...


Joanie said...

And I have nothing.

Whatever happened to "Hooray for the Red, White, and Blue"?

Snarky Basterd said...

Pretty soon I think we'll be speaking like you, Great Reader...and all the buildings will celebrate communist anniversaries.

Kid said...

Oh Mine Glod.

Yea, it's like living in a B science fiction future movie.

Man, we're surrounded by some dumb Mother (Shut Your Mouths).

Anonymous said...

I was going to laugh. But I just have a hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach thinking about it.



Teresa said...


It's a sad day.

Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

You took me on a roller coaster ride -- cracked me up and then sent me into depression. And yet we must continue to rise up and say at the top of our voices, "God Bless America!"

JihadGene said...

Dr Dave
Pasadena Closet Conservative

You all said it in different ways but you said it with the same voice. Pasadena Closet Conservative said it best about this post...which started out to be light (no pun intended)and had to end as it did. It is what it is. Pray for our country, our troops and their families.

"You took me on a roller coaster ride -- cracked me up and then sent me into depression. And yet we must continue to rise up and say at the top of our voices, 'God Bless America!'"