Saturday, September 19, 2009

Malfunctioning Keyboard & Monkey Gods

The "S" key on my keyboard doessssssssssn't work some timessssssssss. I have to pressssss it over and over again. Or ssssometimesss the SSS doessssn't appear at all. I hate that hit! It uckssssssssss!!! May a big giant Homer Sssimpsssson lookin' Monkey God attack the Logitech Company for thisssssssssssssss HIT!!!


innominatus said...

Your post looks like how Obama talks, with all those whistling esses.

Kid said...

Gene, I have purged my digital existence of all things Logitech.

The keyboards and mouses do like they are in pain when you shoot them with even a medium caliber, so that's fun.