Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fireworks I Would Buy

Those goat-humping piss-ants of the Minnesota chapter of CAIR, Council on American-Islamic Relations, have gone and had a fine piece of fireworks pulled off the shelves in Wisconsin! See HERE. This All-American (made in China) Holiday Hellfire Pyrotechnic Piece is no longer available due to the sensitivities of their group (Radicalized Islam Loving Lawyers). You gotta love the art work consisting of a bunch of camel jockeys running from a really made in the USA, F-117 stealth fighter and the warning label which starts off with the words..."Shoots flaming balls"! Wonder if they got it on Ebay? I wonder if South Wisconsin will go to war with North Minnesota over this? Praise Allah, I'm outta here...gotta go to church and pray for the defeat of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. God bless our troops and to hell with radicalized Islamic terrorists!


buffalodick said...

I bought enough fireworks to take out Yemen! Moving to America and then bitching about it confuses me..

pamibe said...

Run, Hadji, Run?! LOL!

Those people have no sense of humor... and the fact that it was pulled just cements my belief that &ussies are running the country...

JihadGene said...

buffalodick- Free free to take that place out anytime!

pamibe- Nailed it!