Friday, May 8, 2009

Truth Detector? No, it's...

This from Michelle Obama quoted in the Washington Post- "If people here are like me -- I call myself a 120-percenter. If I'm not doing any job at 120 percent, I think I'm failing. So if you're trying to do that at home and at work, you find it very difficult and stressful and frustrating."

Yep. It's true. I verified it on my Heath Kit, "Bitch-O-Meter".
A 120 percenter, she darn sure is!

This too, from Michelin Obama in the same article...
"Everyone should have a chief of staff and a set of personal assistants," Obama said with a laugh as she spoke before a crowd of business executives meeting today during a "Corporate Voices for Working Families" conference at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington.

George Washington had personal assistants too. They were called slaves.


none said...

I bet George Washington treated his personal assistants better than ole Jug ears does.

Kid said...

Forget the 120 purrcent; What the heck has she done ?