My Blog friend Joated posted this on Facebook:
"There is discipline in a soldier, you can see it when they walk. There is pride in a soldier, you can hear it when they talk. There is courage in a soldier you can see it in their eyes. There is loyalty in a soldier, they will never compromise. A soldier isn't a title that any one can be, these special people are chosen to protect you and me."
How very true! Occasionally we have a "service member" enter our Mom & Pop clothing store and in about a minute or less, I will ask them, "Are you in the military?". They react rather surprised and ask me, "How did you know?". I just smile and look at them, as a little light bulb goes off in their head. Then they say, "You were in the military too! Weren't ya?" I shake my head yes. We share a knowing smile.
God bless all of our US Armed Forces and their families a very LOOONG time!!! Now get out there and enjoy your freedom but be sure to honor those who earned it for you and I. HOOAH!!!
This post is dedicated to the fun West German memories of my assistant squad leader, SGT Virgil L. "Bert" Robertson Jr, 101st MP Company, 101st Airborne (Air Assault) who died in an air crash along with 247 other 101st Abn Division soldiers at Gander, Newfoundland 12 Dec 1985. FIDO, Bert!!!
Great description of a soldier. And I remember the Newfoundland crash. Hand salute to all.
Loved this post~ Thank You for sharing it.
Awesome post!
Amen Gene.
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