Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Obama Finally Man's Up

And now a word from our great President:
My fellow Muslim-Christian Americans...I now realize that you have grown weary of my blaming George W. Bush for this "Summer of Catastrophic Recovery". Now, being that I am a man...I have decided to "Man Up" on the economy. In so doing, I will now blame my wife, Michelle for everything. Thank you.


LL said...

Do you think that the North Koreans (DPRK) would accept barack hussein obama as their next Beloved Leader? He'll be looking for a job in about two years and that might fit in with Kim's demise.

The benefit of using obama is that the regime's philosophy will remain the same.

JihadGene said...

LL- Absolute!

USA_Admiral said...

In his case is it really manning up?

I really don't think hope and change would last 5 minutes in North Korea. Only half of America would be so stupid.

pamibe said...

I like the idea of barack as North Korea's new leader. He's ideally suited to such an imperialistic position...