Meanwhile somewhere within the White House we find President Barack Whosenamed Obama having a 7:00 AM conversation with one of his daughters...
DAUGHTER: Daddy...have you plugged that leak in the Gulf of Mexicans yet?
OBAMA: Don't get all wee-wee'd up, Sweetie! Daddy took care of it.
DAUGHTER: Daddy, how did you do that? Did you use that heavy mud stuff?
OBAMA: Well, I had a teachable moment with the Army CORPSE of Engineers and we
went another route.
DAUGHTER: So Daddy...did you use Joe "Plugs" Biden like I suggested?
OBAMA: Bingo!
ahahahahahahaha. (wipes away tears.) ahahahaahahaha!
Best ever!
Yesterday when I heard him say: "Malia asks me every morning 'have you plugged that hole yet, daddy?'"...
The oil leak wasn't what first came to mind. Heck, it wasn't even the second... :)
I heard Newt say they could blame the whole Sestak thing on Biden, since Biden could easily plead ignorance And insanity. hahaha
Pamibe ! Lol !
Well that solution might work as well as anything else! --
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