AL- (on megaphone)
Test. Test. Test.
Say, Mr. President! Is this muh-fugger even on?!

OBAMA- It's on, Reverend Al!
AL- Test. Test. Test.
One...two...three...muh-fugging, QUATRO!
(Illegal aliens cheering wildly!!!)

OBAMA- Reverend Al, you've already knocked this one outta CoMENski Park!
AL- No shit?! Man, I ain't seen so many Mess-cans in one muh-fuggin place since I
been to a Cinco de Mayo sale at Home Depot!
(turns to the Vice President)

What do you think about this, Joe?

BIDEN- This is a big fucking Chalupa!!!
I'm only confused that Arizona Al didn't take on Taco Bell for their "make a run for the border" slogan... because I don't know how much more racist you can get than that.
For in the future:
Mexican Food will be = food
Soul Food will be = food
Pizza has an ugly racial connotation so it too can only be referred to as = food
Menus across America (particularly Arizona) will be very simple because almost every culinary dish has its point of origin included in its name - the Sandwich is named for the Earl of Sandwich who slapped meat between two pieces of bread. And because it was white bread, assembled by a white guy in England - it's racist.
The Caesar Salad was originated at the Caesar Hotel in Tijuana, Mexico in the 30's. - it's racist
The Frankfurter came from Frankfurt, Germany - and the visions of Nazis eating hot dogs chills me. - it's racist
Now, when you go to a restaurant, you can only order "food".
LL- The times they are a changin'...and not for the better, I'm afraid.
Gold Gene, Gold...
As for your comment, damn right. We're 'on the path' and it ain't to Emerald City.
It won't be long now. Hell in a hand basket.
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