Wednesday, May 13, 2009

SEAL's In Space

Those dreaded Somali pirates are at it again according to the Somali Pirate Blog, but the US Navy is on it like vomit! Pictured is the craft carrying US Navy Space SEAL TeamAmerica#1 into space. Good hunting! And now for other B.S. in the newz...1st Lady Michelle Obama blah-blah-blah...bailout for GM did nothing but throw away more of your tax dollars and Obama wants more money to blah-blah-blah...


none said...

Yep 180 billion to AIG and they want more.

Where did that money go?

JihadGene said...

They (Obama) wants it all.

USA_Admiral said...

He won't stop until we are working at Tractor factory 18 or Utopian farm 22 under the banner of socialism.