Hello, my most consumer-wise Infidels. It is I, Baghdad Bob's son...Abdul-Jalil, here. I am late to the Rodeo on this but "Tis the Season". Though you are considered as unclean as any politician to have ever come out of that stinking onion called Chicago, I will have a little mercy on you pigs, none-the-less. We, in the land of Saddam Obamadam Hussein (see, I can use his middle name now) send courteous holiday shoppers greetings to you jewel-encrusted swine! It has come to my attention (Praise be to Allah) that our "Allies in Jihad" at Fisher-Price Toys has made the perfect holiday gift for little girls worldwide or confused little boys. It is a doll-baby approved by none other than my main-man Saddamma Obamma Hussein! He has officially named the doll Dirka-Dirka. The doll-baby says such adorable things! There are three tracks programmed into this Dirka Dirka doll. The first is baby banter. Oh, I love banter, don't you? The second is baby banter with flatulence and "mommy" sounds mixed in. Farting at women?Praise all that is Holy! I love it!!! The third is a longer track that ends abruptly, has two or three seconds of silence, and then the "Islam is the Light" sound comes through, as part of the third track. Does this not make you unbelievers want to trample over the dead remains of the clerks at your local Walmart or what? You bargain hunting zealots! Now if we can only get the doll to throw her shoes. Perhaps next year. I must go now. On to victory... against the Great Satan's of this world! Merry Christmas and remember that the lubing of a zillion camels begins with a single hose down!
*hat tip Sherri (ya Diva you!)
Aw - cuuuute - must go shopping... oh wait, I don't have a little girl anymore.
Too bad.
Teresa- Dirka-dirka!!!
Just FYI, I used your photo for my article Obama and the Transformation of America
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