Thursday, November 13, 2008

It's PFC Hunter Levine's Birthday!

Happy 21st Birthday Hunter! I guess you're in Houston, Texas...God's country...some say.

Here's a place to send him your birthday wishes at Hunter's website .

Here's a birthday card funny! Am I goin' to hell for posting this?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think you might go to hell for that one.
Love you anyway,
Elder Sister

Anonymous said...

I don't get it.

I don't get this either...

JihadGene said...

E Sister- Thanks. I thought so.

Nice beaver.

Thanks. I just had it stuffed.

(What a riot!!!) LMAO and going to hell for it!

Richmond said...

November 13th is a great day for a birthday! :) Good for Hunter...

Anonymous said...

(What a riot!!!) LMAO and going to hell for it!

Glad you enjoyed it Great Reader. Sometimes all the beavers just line up for a good one.


JihadGene said...


I should'a known it was you! I know you're still giving them hell in the commments sections of Black Five. Keep it up and thanks for stopping by! JG :)