Sooner or later sh*t catches up to you. There I was having a good time, all to myself on the internet, and look who's torn down my world! It's my Elder Sister Carol. She's now blogging
here. My "cone of silence" is forever crushed. My Seoul exposed! Carol even thinks that ass-h*le
RedNeck is funny! What goes around comes around. I was a good kid! Really!Thanks to
Erica...I'm doomed! JihadGene
Well hell hoss, she's obviously a better judge of hillbilly humor than you are.
You need to get out of the palace more.
Must be smoke frum dog-turd burner getting to you. Go to cement pond and soak head in it!
Ruv Yoo Looong Time!
Great Reader KIM Jong IL
Dear jg/CUFFLINK boy...
The problem with cement ponds is ... that cement eventually cures, and your stuck in there.
Hi-Teck Norf' Kal my ass. You 'bout smart as a bar of soap.
OMG - another blog to add!!! I'll get on it tonight. LOL.
Could be worse, JG. Your teenage children could be going online and telling the world how unreasonable you are. And using words like "Nazi" and "prison" and "can't wait to move out." Not that it's happening to me. Just sayin....
They'll threaten to move out, but they stay, and stay, and stay.
DeltaBravo- You're right (as usual, I might add). I will someday get over the fact that Elder Sister Carol is a much better writer than me. Hell, I think she got her Masters in English at age 12! I will get over my petty jealousy about the same time that I will get the taste of Ivory soap outta my mouth (thanks to her, the Jackass)!
Oh yeah, my son, who I refer to as "Der Inmate #54321", loves it when I wear my brown shirt w/swastika just-so, trim my mustache just right, and yell at him "Achtung, it is 0800 Hours! You gonna SCHLAF all day or what"?!!!
Gene, Momma's earliest attempt to teach us foreign languages was "Gehen zu bet. Mach schnell!"
(I apologize for bad German spelling.)
Yes, Carol, I have offered to help oldest teen pack. But she won't go. And she keeps promising to move back in after college. I don't get it! What's a parent have to do? Move and leave no forwarding address?
I actually like when mine are unconscious. I'll let them sleep all day if it keeps the house quiet. Viking doll is also getting a vacation from being thrown at the wall. She's pretty happy too.
Viking Doll gets a vacation! LOLLLL!!! Please make a video!!!
Deltabravo- Wow! Gehen zu bet!
Go to pray? Was your Mom a Jehovah's Witness too? Come Armageddon, I'm so screwed!
I thought that meant Go to bed. Seems wishing her kids were unconscious is a family tradition, come to think of it.
By the way, JG, you were talking about Horse thieves on another blog. My baby brother is one of those "horse thieves." He got to see some interesting horses this last year, but he's okay and back home now. I don't make fun of him. He could probably build a really good cage to put me in if I wasn't nice.
Haha. I told him he's qualified to raise my kids if something happens to me. (That's one way to get even with a sibling for childhood trauma... leave them as guardian of your children.)
Damn, DB!
Maybe my Mom meant "go to hell".
Nawww, that was more my Dad's style.
(That of a WWII US Marine)
About SEABEE's (at BlackFive Dot net) They're a tough lot and rightfully proud of it! But DB, I bet you could still kick his ass with only half a Viking Doll!!! ;) RYLT! JG
No, not up to a fight with the USN.
hahaha. But I found out she is worth $18 online. So she should be treated with some respect.
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