Meanwhile somewhere north of the 38th Parallel, in the Land of the Great Reader KIM Jong IL's World-Why-Web, we find the DPRK's favorite DickTater taking in a taped Sunsday sermon frum the Great Spiritual Leader the REVEREND JEREMIAH WRIGHT Jr...
...NAW, NAW, NAW!!! NOT GOD BLESS AMERICA...**&^$%$$^&$$*% AMERICA!!!
KIM- Hoe-ly Moe-ly!!! It's a Sunsday and this is what Americans rike President of TexAss George DoubleWoo Bloosh goes to hear at local churches, General Wang?!
WANG- Quite possibly, Most High Reader.
KIM- That Reverend Wright dude be the Pimp Daddy of the LAWD! No wonder Barrack Who's-Named OBAMA and his old lady (Michelin) be so's messed up!
WANG- Exactly, Great Reader.
KIM-Well Wang, seeing as howze it's beings Sunsday and all.... what-da-ya-say we do like most good "Northern American Baptists" and just skip church? Huh?!
WANG- Oh HELL yeah, Sir! Want me to tune in NASCAR?!!!
KIM- Right on, you bad MAMMER-JAMMER!!!
.... bwhahahaah!... and hey, he's at it again this morning.... they said that the Nation of Islam were providing him with bodyguards....
... and the hits just keep on coming....
PWAISE THE BORED!!!! More ammo and blammo for my peoples brogg!
Ruv Yoo Looong Time!
Great Reader KIM Jong IL
Tag... you're it britch...
Son... took me three, no four, no five times to guess what the hell those letters on acid were sayin' to get the one sorry assed line comment I had entered. The last time the yotch tol' me "My HTML cannot be accepted". Snooty bastid...
Chain your dog....
Redneck made me laugh out loud today. Thanks, Redneck. (the Chain your dog comment was icing on the cake.)
I'm have you knows I'm WOKS up my dogs all the time! No need chains.
Great Reader
Yo! Wed Neck! What's wiff this "TAG yours its Britch"?! Yoo didn't disleesplect Great Reader over at your brogg again, did yoo? Oh, mudder-pucker I'm bet you did, didn't you? You dissed me again? How dares you!
I just threw up a couple Usetoobs of you when you were tryin' to bust roose in Horrywood... Thats aw... nothin' biggie sized.
She bangs She bangs oooo baby how she moves she moves... ;)
The Hillary Car is in North Caroline right now, with a whole bunch of Hillarys, and the 3AM Red Phone. LOL
Hillary Clinton Army is a Great Read!
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